The Mexican Chamber of the Tequila Industry (CNIT) is the oldest institution of the Tequila Industry to which associated companies freely and voluntarily join to work hand in hand for Tequila, Mexico’s heritage.
Its objective is to represent, promote and defend the common interests of its associates, proposing and carrying out actions that satisfy their needs and expectations to strengthen the prestige and image of the Tequila Industry in general and of Tequila in particular.
The Mexican Chamber of the Tequila Industry offers its members valuable actions and services that strengthen the production chain and generate business opportunities, increasing its competitiveness in national and international markets.
- Market intelligence and analysis, databases specializing in alcoholic beverages.
- Guidance and management for participation in national and international exhibitions and fairs.
- Liaison, advice and information on environmental, legal, regulatory and fiscal issues, as well as on Tequila exports.
- Benefits through agreements with universities, hotels, insurance companies, clinical laboratories, etc.
- Training in technical and strategic topics of interest to the Industry.

After the efforts made by the Mexican Chamber of the Tequila Industry to achieve the recognition of tequila in Mexico’s Official Calendar, on May 29th, 2018 it was declared the third Saturday of March as National Tequila Day.
As a Chamber, given the global presence that our drink has, we promoted the modification of the commemoration date in order to tie the celebration to July 24th, a date positioned as the “International Tequila Day”.
In order to achieve this change, a draft initiative was prepared, which was presented and approved by the Chamber of Deputies.
We are certain it will have an echo in the Senate and in the near future we will see its publication in the Official Gazette of the Federation.
Commemorating this important day, the Tequila Industry carries out knowledge, education, promotion and positioning activities of the tequila category, through various experiences, always promoting responsible drinking, with the aim that more and more people can enjoy a quality spirit that offers extraordinary versatility to those who taste it.
Tequila Industry Merit Recognition Program
Its main function is to promote Tequila nationally and internationally, through a specific recognition granted to persons who have distinguished themselves by making Tequila known in Mexico and in the world, and who have the knowledge and experience to do so in order to continue this work within an institutional framework with well defined rules and criteria.
It is granted to people who, although they do not belong to the industry, have taken steps in favor of the protection of the Tequila’s Appellation of Origin or have contributed in a notable way to the development and strengthening of the industry.
He is a person who knows the main aspects of agave and Tequila, but his area of expertise can be very varied, as a historian, academic, scientist, bartender, restaurant owner, etc. He must have a minimum of 10 years of experience working directly in the Tequila Industry and influence it internally and externally.
It is a person, who has knowledge in the process of elaboration of Tequila and who is also capable of carrying out a sensory evaluation of it, privately or in a public presentation. He must have a minimum of 10 years of experience working directly in the Tequila Industry and influence it internally and externally.
He is an influential person within the Tequila Industry, with a family tradition in the sector and who has stood out for his work in benefit of the industry, he is a dean,
founder, a character who has transcended in the sector.
For more information contact Aline Morán.

Socially Responsible Industry
From the Mexican Chamber of the Tequila Industry, we promote social responsibility standards. particularly responsible consumption, as well as quality of life in the company, ethics, relationship with the community, care and preservation of the environment; culture that we share with each of our partners.
In 2019, the CNIT received the distinction as a Promoter of Social Responsibility, granted by the Mexican Center for Philanthropy, AC, (Cemefi) and the Alliance for Corporate Social Responsibility for Mexico (AliaRSE).
The Tequila Industry is committed to the responsibility in the consumption of alcoholic beverages. As an industry, we seek that consumers appreciate and taste Tequila, that they drink in terms of quality, not volume, and acquire habits of moderation.
For this reason, the Mexican Chamber of the Tequila Industry:
- Creates awareness workshops to the tequila sector, universities and the general public, warning about the risks of harmful use of alcohol and promoting moderation.
- Trains restaurant industry at consumption centers on responsible service and collection and recycling issues.
- Promotes the certification of Tequila producers in matters of responsibility.
The CNIT also acts as an executor Foundation for Social Research AC (FISAC). https://alcoholinformate.org.mx/